Publications (*denotes equal authorship)
Yin, S. and M. A. Sharif (2024), “How and When Does a Used (vs. Unused) Account Affect Consumption Behavior?” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153(4), 939–956. [Link] [OSF]
Mellers, B. A. and S. Yin (2023), “Reference-Point Theory: An Account of Individual Differences in Risk Preferences.” Perspectives on Psychological Science, OnlineFirst. [Link] [OSF]
O’Neil, K., A. Liu, S. Yin, T. F. Brady, and F. De Brigard (2022), “Effects of Category Learning Strategies on Recognition Memory,” Memory & Cognition, 50, 512-526. [Link] [OSF]
McDonald, K., R. Graves, S. Yin, T. Weese, and W. Sinnott-Armstrong (2021), "Valence Framing Effects on Moral Judgments: A Meta-Analysis," Cognition, 212, 104703. [Link]
Yin, S., H. R. Arkes, J. P. McCoy, M. E. Cohen, and B. A. Mellers (2021), “Conflicting Goals Influence Physicians’ Expressed Beliefs to Patients and Colleagues,” Medical Decision Making, 41(5), 505-514. [Link] [OSF]
Mellers, B. A., S. Yin, and J. Z. Berman (2021), "Reconciling Loss Aversion and Gain Seeking in Judged Emotions," Current Directions in Psychological Science, 30(2), 95-102. [Link]
Stanley, M.*, S. Yin*, and W. Sinnott-Armstrong (2019), "A Reason-Based Explanation for Moral Dumbfounding," Judgment and Decision Making, 14(2): 120-129. [Link]
McDonald, K.*, S. Yin*, T. Weese, and W, Sinnott-Armstrong (2019), “Do Framing Effects Debunk Moral Beliefs?” Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 42, E162. [Link]
Manuscripts Under Review (*denotes equal authorship)
Hu, B.*, S. Yin*, and A. Moon, "When the Goods Were Odds: Do People Prefer Goods that Stem from Uncertainty?" [Under 3rd round review at the Journal of Consumer Research] [SSRN] [ResearchBox]
Yin, S. and C. Lamberton, “Is (Price) Ignorance Bliss? Hedonic Price Aversion and Consumer Experience.” [Invited for 2nd round review at the Journal of Consumer Research] [SSRN] [OSF]
Yin, S. and M. E. Schweitzer, “When it is Best to be Last: How Constructed Distributions Influence Sequential Judgments.” [Invited resubmission at Management Science] [SSRN] [OSF]
Rifkin, J. R.*, G. E. Donnelly*, and S. Yin*, “First Impression or Frequent Flyer? The Persuasive Effect of Customer Tenure Claims in Online Word of Mouth.” [Invited resubmission at the Journal of Marketing Research] [OSF]
Yin, S., N. Desai, W. Sinnott-Armstrong, S. A. Huettel, and N. Sullivan, “Framing Past Actions as Healthful or Harmful Alters the Decision Process Underlying Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources.” [Under review] [OSF]
Yin, S. and W. De La Rosa, “The Impact of (Dis)Aggregated Budgeting on Consumer Spending." [Under review] [ResearchBox]
Working Papers
Yin, S., G. E., Donnelly, C. Lamberton, and M. I. Norton, “The Life You Save (For): Experiences Dominate Goods in Motivating Savings.”
Yin, S. and M. A. Sharif, "The End-of-Period Effect: Temporal Category Boundaries Influence Leisure Engagement." [SSRN] [OSF]
Yin, S. and M. A. Sharif, “Exerting Effort to Choose Increases Generosity in Cash Gift Giving.” [SSRN] [OSF]